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HIL Automated Testframe & Testing
Hardware In Loop (HIL) Test Framework Services
Main Features on Testjig:
The HIL Test suite was designed for NI DAQ cards.
Designed TAL (Test Application Layer) - test cases are implemented in PYTHON scripting language.
Designed TIL (Test Interface Layer) - C# based development to interact with .Net DLL provided by NI.
Configured and Controlled the AO, DI, DO, FPGA, RELAY cards.
Design of the wiring harness to map different ECUs.
Automated Testplan and Testreport generation.
Calibration of Analog Out channels.
Configuration files provided for complete mapping of the ECU pins and ports.
ECU Software Setup for HIL Testing
Test software module running on the ECU side.
CCP protocol running for Measurement and Calibration.
Development of Stimulus functions to control I/O operations.